Your Health: With Osteopathic Physician, Dr. Kim Tripp, on Robinhood Radio, WHDD 91.9FM.
Dr. Tripp has a radio show called Your Health on our local NPR station Robinhood Radio. Listen to Your Health for our Osteopathic physician’s approach to a wide range of health and healing topics. This radio show discusses the challenges we face and solutions we need for keeping vital health and well-being throughout our lives from the perspective of a traditional osteopathic physician. The show currently airs for about 30 minutes on Fridays at 12:30pm and Sundays at 5:30pm but you can catch all the shows here on the Goldman/Tripp website as podcasts at your convenience, or catch the most recent shows on the Robinhood Radio website.
To get the podcasts on the Goldman/Tripp website:
Scroll down and click on the desired show to listen.
To get the podcasts from the Robinhood Radio website:
- Go to the Robinhood Radio Web site:
- Click the On Demand button.
- Scroll down the program list to Your Health and click the show name.
- A long list of the individual show topics will come up.
- Click on the desired show to listen.