Prior to your first appointment you will be sent routine medical paperwork to read, complete, and sign. Please make sure to bring your completed paperwork with you. Feel free to call the office if you have any questions about the paperwork.
Please come to your appointments wearing loose, comfortable clothing. You are welcome to change at the office if that’s helpful. Please bring any medications and/or supplements you are taking. Please refrain from wearing strong fragrances as other patients may have allergies or sensitivities.
Your first visit will last for about 90 minutes during which time we will discuss your current health and wellness including a full medical and surgical history, complete a standard physical and osteopathic structural exam, and give you a gentle hands-on osteopathic treatment.
We ask that you schedule an initial appointment and two follow-up appointments: all about a week apart as your schedule allows. Your follow-up appointments will be for about 30 minutes each. This is to insure that we are able to follow up with you on the results of your treatment in a timely fashion and continue our work together on the healing process as we determine your progress. If you do not need all of the appointments they can easily be cancelled but that is often easier than trying to fit you in if they are needed and they are not in the schedule.